You are the greatest mate
But always kind of late
Running from places to places
See the expression in peoples faces
Sometimes you're not in time
But you don't sell your soul for a dime
A bighearted fellow to thrust
Knowing you is a must
Because you are so good
You won't be misunderstood
They know you in the neighbourhood
Now, tomorrow and before
Calling you dressed in morning-gown
You seldom let me down
Lending me money for the rent
So I don't have to sleep in a tent
On vacation I'm occupieng your flat
Helping me with this and that
You are there and it's a gift
For the journey, it's no charge
Your way of helping is large
I'm willing to help you in return
I from you and you from me will learn
We are together in all weather
On your hat, I'm putting a feather