Because it’s mercury in fish A cod that tastes like chocolate It’s more than I can tolerate When there is BSE in the meat! What are you going, going to eat? When salmonella is hard to defeat? What are you going, going to eat? When there’s a pain in the feet! What are you going, going to eat? When food production is a cheat! Like soldiers in a row come the soya beans The Flavr Savr tomato is a vegetable But your health won’t be stable It’s more than salt on your lips People get in serious panic Because acrylamide is organic And I’m feeling like a test object Luminous and the skin covered with scale The genetic race can be a fail
It’s not easy having a decent dish
What are you going, going to eat?
You know what the genetic engineering means
What are you...
Weakness caused by acrylamide in chips
What are you...
All this stuff has a negative effect
What are you...